Thursday, August 31, 2006

Only ten days to go............

......until the big day.

I hate running!!! I don't enjoy anything about it at all. I had hoped that my increased fitness levels would change my mind, and yes I'm fitter and yes I can run a lot further, but I still really hate running! After the half marathon I am sure I will never ever run again!

I'm really worried about the run now. It still seems so far but I know I'm capable of doing it and I'm hoping that like everyone tells me, I'll get pulled along with the crowd.

I've made a play list up for my mp3 player of tracks that I really love so I hope that will keep me going!

I'm so grateful to everyone who has sponsored me. To be honest, I'm sure I would have given up had it not been for the fact I know I would be letting so many people down - me included! Knowing all the money is going to such a great charity helps to keep me focused as well.

Wish me luck!

Hope to see you there!

until next time
K xxxx

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